Monday, October 12, 2015

The Virgin Post

Hi there!
This is my first post... blah, blah, blah.... welcome!

I won't bore you with details about me, because that's what the About Me page is for, right? I have ADHD and tend to lose focus easily, so let's just get down to business. :)

Basically my plan for this blog is to document some of my projects and fun things I do around the house. We bought a fixer-upper 2 years ago - a big, blue gambrel (barn shaped) house. There's always something to do. I'll be posting DIY projects and crafty stuff as well. Oh - did I mention I love thrifting? Yard sale-ing? Yes, I do! You'll most certainly see some of my thrifted treasures on here.

My husband, 2 boys and I have a raised-bed garden that is new this year. Some things did really well, and some not so well. This year was a big experiment. I'll post more on the garden later, but here is a photo of some of what we've reaped recently.

No, we didn't grow those beautiful eggs in the garden. We just so happen to have the most adorable chickens in the world. I'll post more on the chickens later too... believe me! (We also have a dog and cat.)

So yeah... You'll see some before-afters, chicken pics, crafts and fun photos. Again, welcome! :)